Saturday, February 27, 2010

pre-equinox homesick blues

mother earth
is dirty,

she made a pass
and grabbed my ass; worries,
because on i'll pass
her sensual act
to the women
walking on her...

what awaits me in reply
is even greater,
for randy earth mother
has also groped
her venusian sisters:

pining and lupine,
rolled-over and supine;

baying for blood,
covered in mud;

seeking a wrestle,
receiving a grapple;

straddling serpent,
eating an apple;

tumbling runs,
rumbling tums;

fruitful yields,
in farmers' fields;

skin so soft,
hard in the hayloft;

start with a flirt,
end up under skirt;

seeds are watered in,
the fluids we're covered in;

two-backed beast has burrowed
deeply into her furrow;

our sweet, sweating mess
will insure a good harvest.


  1. Good stuff! I've got new neighbours and boy would they understand what youre talking about. She's a 'screamer'. 'O my God I'm coming! I'm coming! I'm coooommmmminnnnnnnngggggg!!!! Slap me! Slap me!' and on into the watches of the night - and right next to your room, Dan....!
    Fucking hell, a nighmare for the celibate.
    When are you leaving? I'm going to try and from this group on a more informal basis in a bar, probably - the Grapevine springs to mind. Hope to see you before you go.

  2. thanks for the really funny comment! [though sorry to hear that the comedy is at the expense of your sleep---and would be at the expense of mine if i were still staying with you]i knew someone who suffered the ravages of sexual neighbors. his solution? play william shatner records loudly through the wall ;-)think of similar sonic anaphrodesiacs...

    leaving next tues, march 9th...hope to see you at a norwich pub this weekend...
